Serious statements regarding the health conditions of Chinese gardeners supplying vegetables to the city, and of the lack of hygienic conditions on their premises were contained in a letter from the Department of Health, received by the Cairns Shire Council at its monthly meeting on Friday afternoon. The letter read as follows : "I have by direction to inform you that this Department's officer at Cairns is advised by the officer in charge of the Hookworm Campaign in that district that the Chinese gardeners who 'supply Cairns with green vegetables, are 50 per cent infected with hookworm.
As these gardeners have no E.C's it naturally follows that the soil must be infected, and also some of the salad vegetables. When he endeavors to give them medicine for the complaint they are so inaccessible as to render it an almost impossible proposition, especially as they say they "no savvy" and also, when cured, having no E.C's they would soon become infected again.
lt is stated that almost all the vegetables go into Chinatown. The Commissioner desires your assistance in the matter, which is of serious moment, and recommends that you threaten the gardeners that unless E.C's to meet requirements are erected at their gardens no vegetables will be allowed to come in from same."
The Chairman (Cr. S. H. Warner) : "This is a matter for the City Council. We have no control over the delivery of vegetables to Cairns."
It was decided to refer the matter to the City Council, and that the Chairman be deputed lo meet and discuss the subject with representatives of that body.
Cairns Post, Monday, November 9, 1925.