
Flying Fox Invasion of Irvinebank

fruit bats flying over Loudon Dam Irvinebank

Every 2 or 3 years Flying Foxes roost in large numbers in Irvinebank. This is a picture of them flying over the town dam. They roost around the dam and along the creek.

Every night at sundown they circle over the town en masse before spreading over the land of a thousand hills in search of blossom and nectar.

Young bats are left in 'nursery trees' around the town while the adult bats travel up to 30 kms in search of food. At the moment there is heavy blossom along Emu Creek from Emuford to Petford.

In Central and Southern Queensland where large scale clearing for agriculture has resulted in loss of habitat, Little Reds have been forced to stay on the coast and compete with orchardists for food and habitat.

In the wild ranges of north Queensland, where forests have regenerated after heavy mining activity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Little Red Flying Fox enjoys its natural lifestyle.

Here are some more pics....

Flying foxes roosting in trees in Irvinebank outback Queensland

Roosting bats: view from Irvinebank Tavern and Cabins

The best time to see them is at the break of dawn as they swoop down in their thousands over the lake. There are thousands of splashes as they dip their feet in the lake before flying up to roost.